Sunday, October 30, 2011

Guiding Reading

The article I read for this week was, Guided Reading: A Research-Based Response to the Challenges of Early Reading Instruction by Anita Iaquinta. This was a very helpful article because it talks a lot about what guided reading is and some ways that you can implement it in your classroom. Guided reading involves small groups with children who are around the same reading level, who interact with the teacher on a daily basis. The teacher plays an important role in the guided reading process. Iaquinta says, "Teachers must know how to prompt and guide students as they work to build this self-extending system of reading." Iaquinta goes on to give charts for the roles of the teacher for before, during and after reading, as well as, prompts to use throughout the lesson. The teacher gives continuous prompts throughout the lesson that help the child think critically about what they are reading. Guided reading takes a lot of patience and time, but this is something that every teacher should focus on doing.  According to Iaquinta, one in three children have trouble reading. This is a very disheartening statistic and it shows us that teaching reading and reading skills needs to be number one on our priority list.

Short article on Guided Reading by Scholastic

Guided Reading in the Classroom...

Monday, October 24, 2011

the more words the better..

The article that I found the most interesting this week was the one by Yopp & Yopp, Ten Important Words Plus: A Strategy for Building Word Knowledge. This was such a great article that pointed out so well that the more words you know the better your comprehension will be. Yopp & Yopp discuss the three primary ways of enhancing vocabulary, but what I found the most interesting was the Ten Words Plus strategy. This is a great way to see what reading level the child is on and it also lets the teacher know if the child is comprehending what the book is about. If the child picks 10 words that do nothing for the story then they might not fully understand what they are reading. I also liked that at the end the children made a bar graph of the most common words and then they were able to use prompts to better understand the words. I have not been around many classrooms that have used strategies like the one discussed in the article, but it shows us a great way to help children learn more words which in return will help their comprehension.

Top ten most important words, before and after reading...

Big Words for Little People, a children's book that exposes children to bigger words than they are use to..
 Write It, Build It, Decorate It....the more exposures the better....

Monday, October 17, 2011

don't forget about kindergarten!

The article that I found most interesting this week was the one by Gregory & Cahill, Kindergarteners Can Do It, Too! Comprehension Strategies for Early Readers. We are all told that learning to read needs to start very early in life, but I think many people forget about comprehension. When we are teaching young children to read, we need to not only be focused on teaching the letter sounds and sentence structure. We also need to make sure that we are teaching young children comprehension skills. Mrs. Hope does a great job of this in her classroom. She challenges her students in a fun way and really gets their minds thinking. She has a system that involves the children either: raising their hand in the shape of a "C" if they make a connection to the story, a "V" if they have a mind movie to share, and a wiggling finger if they have a question to ask. I think that it is very important that the children are able to ask questions at any point during the story. Mrs. Hope has this statement written on top of the board that they use to write their questions, “Expert readers ask questions before, during, and after they read” (page 516). This is so important for teachers to understand. I think that many teachers forget to let their students ask questions at any point during a lesson or reading. By having the children ask questions and making connections with the story, you are allowing them to use the schemas that they already have in order to form new ones or to add to existing ones. They are able to get into the story and look at it more in depth than just seeing the words on the page and reciting them. All of the ways Mrs. Hope promotes comprehension are great, but can you think of any more ways to help promote comprehension in children?

Here are some good ideas that I found...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

becoming a word conscious teacher...

As I read Lane & Allen's article, The Vocabulary-Rich Classroom, I thought a lot about my childhood experiences in the classroom. I was so amazed by the way Ms. Barker and Ms. Rivas ran their classrooms. They were encouraging their children to use more sophisticated words every day. When I read the part about a kindergartener telling the observer that is was "rather brisk today" I was astonished. I cannot imagine myself as a kindergartener every saying that; heck, I probably never said that in high school. Growing up I think that my teachers used the dumbing down method of teaching. We were never encouraged to use sophisticated words; therefore, as an adult I do not use a very wide range of vocabulary, like I know I should. I WISH that my teachers would have pushed us to learn new words the way these two particular teachers did in their class. As a future teacher, I learned so much from this article and it gave two great ideas of how to implement stronger vocabulary into the classroom. I am continually amazed at how much I am learning from the articles we are reading and very thankful we are being introduced to them.

*This article also talks about the process in which a student goes through in order to learn a new word. Here is a chart that can be put up in the classroom to help with vocabulary instruction. The teacher can introduce a new word and have the children show you, with their hands, what they know about it. 

*Just another way to help children come to know a word. Write it down, what does it remind them of, what they think it means, and then finally what it actually means. Also a good critical thinking skill.

*Finally, this teacher lets the children brainstorm about different words they know or think they know and puts them under the letter it corresponds with.

Monday, October 3, 2011

teachers as the coaches...

When reading these articles it brought me back to my childhood in a way. I remember playing some of the games that Yopp & Yopp discussed in their article and I think it helped my literary development greatly. It also made my think about a little girl I babysit, who is in first grade, who came home the other day singing "Down by the Bay". It was funny to listen to her sing the song because she changed it every time she sang it to me. She might not have remembered the words exactly, but every time she sang it she always came up with new words that rhymed. It was interesting to see how much her vocabulary changed when singing the song, because some of the words she choose were not words she would use in her normal vocabulary. Another thing that I like about this article is that it explains the difference between phonemic awareness and phonics. Truthfully I always thought they were the same thing, but this article explained to us how they are connected but are also separate terms. You learn something new everyday....we are all life long learners.

This website has a lot of good information phonological awareness. Take a look around...the page it is on has some rhyming games or preschool and kindergarten.