Sunday, October 30, 2011

Guiding Reading

The article I read for this week was, Guided Reading: A Research-Based Response to the Challenges of Early Reading Instruction by Anita Iaquinta. This was a very helpful article because it talks a lot about what guided reading is and some ways that you can implement it in your classroom. Guided reading involves small groups with children who are around the same reading level, who interact with the teacher on a daily basis. The teacher plays an important role in the guided reading process. Iaquinta says, "Teachers must know how to prompt and guide students as they work to build this self-extending system of reading." Iaquinta goes on to give charts for the roles of the teacher for before, during and after reading, as well as, prompts to use throughout the lesson. The teacher gives continuous prompts throughout the lesson that help the child think critically about what they are reading. Guided reading takes a lot of patience and time, but this is something that every teacher should focus on doing.  According to Iaquinta, one in three children have trouble reading. This is a very disheartening statistic and it shows us that teaching reading and reading skills needs to be number one on our priority list.

Short article on Guided Reading by Scholastic

Guided Reading in the Classroom...


  1. Thanks for sharing the video! I love how the emphasize that all children individually learn in different ways!

  2. Reading should definitely be on the top of our priority list. This video is a great example of how guided reading is implemented in the classroom! Thanks for sharing!
